Category: Research

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Micheal landy - Break down 2001,

Was and installation at the old C&A (now Primark) on oxford street london.

It was a installation of the destruction of everything that he own. everyting was reduced to broken down raw Metairal in plastic bins.

What facinate me is the spectical it created. I would have loved to visit the exhibit when it was on. It showing how society is becoming materialistic when in reality these materials ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Erwin Wurm, an Austrian born artist. Known for his sculpture and photogrpaher. He has produced Video Sculptures which i think are important to my project for inspiration on how to present my own work.

He has a comical flare towards his sculptures, asking the audience to think differently about the realtionhsip they have with inanimate objects. Interacting with with in a non-Normal Way, One of his Works that stood out to me was called UNTITLED ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

The videos from Casseetteboys are politcally motivated. it is interesting use of found footage. Taking what is being said by people out of context.

I wanted to use the same concept but not as short. I want to use the same concept of the design motivate of apple computers especially what is being said by jony Ive overlaid with the teardown video. Take what he said out of context to push the message that being the best design products the ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Fischli and Weiss remove everyday general items that surround us from their contexts of our daily lives, and then restructure their relationships to one another. The artists aim neither to glorify nor to alienate these common objects, but merely to create new references in which they might be considered. Without narration or interviews - simply they record the self-destructing performance of 100 feet of physical interactions and chemical reactions.

Unfortunatly ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Todd McLellan is the main insperation for the project. He notes:

New objects become old objects faster than ever before. The waste and expense of having to replace everything in your life after just a few years of use is exasperating.

He uses teardown of mordern living item to challange our disposable culture by exposing just what we are throwing away.

He has two Ways of Photographic is sculptures. ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

When looking specifically at how a computer works. Majority of the Brain is the processor.

It easy to forget how much with a volume of a laptop is main a processor. How integral this small part is to the functions needed from the use of a laptop. Also the processor need sister parts for full run and know.

List of Generally needed part to run a computer: Power Supply/PSU MotherBoard/Mainboard Processor/CPU RAm Storage Keyboard/Mouse Monitor

Other ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

On BBC Broadcast television. The TV show shows how to reassemble many different items.

Spanning 2 Series and & over all episodes. In 1 hour viewing. The episodes averages 500,000 viewers on their premiere.

There is a niche following for how things are taken apart and how they are put together.

I have already been fascinated with TearDown of different items. Learning and understanding what is inside them. I remember taking ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Current times, there is alot of conversation starting with right to repair. Question are asked such as: DO we really own the items that were buy. The different between cars and technology. For example lets take Apple computers laptop as an example. The newer models a lot of effort is taken to stop you to open and taking apart the laptops. The different from 10 years ago. The easy of repair has drastically decreased.

Looking at the first ...