The way things go

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Fischli and Weiss remove everyday general items that surround us from their contexts of our daily lives, and then restructure their relationships to one another. The artists aim neither to glorify nor to alienate these common objects, but merely to create new references in which they might be considered. Without narration or interviews - simply they record the self-destructing performance of 100 feet of physical interactions and chemical reactions.

Unfortunatly i was only able to find a few minute clip of the 30 min video on youtube. I had search online at the university library the video was only available on VHS. I did not own a VHS player any more and i did not think it was worth to pruchase a full price Bluray for a 30min video. However fromt he short clip i watched i was able to understand the general outcomes of the video.

Hand held, was not instructional but rather a fluid movement of the parts.

This reminded me of a Honda Cog Ad. Which was used a dolly shots from a crane. The ad consisted of 2 min. There were two shot of 1 minute length that were later stitched together in the middle. So not truly being a one take sequnce. hut however wanted to appear as such. The filming was clean and looked computer generated. But the use of VFX was not wanted at all.