Todd McLellan

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Todd McLellan is the main insperation for the project. He notes:

New objects become old objects faster than ever before. The waste and expense of having to replace everything in your life after just a few years of use is exasperating.

He uses teardown of mordern living item to challange our disposable culture by exposing just what we are throwing away.

He has two Ways of Photographic is sculptures.

  1. First is very methodlogical. Each peice is placed in a ADHD like way in a flat platform following staying simialir to how it will be assembled.
  2. The other way is placing all the items at a high level and them releasing them and photographing them mid fall. He considered this method as setting free the parts

Here is an example of his work: With the two ways he photographes the items.

He Also notes in his book:

It facinates me that older objects were so well built, and were most likely put together by hand. These items were repaired when broken, not discarded like our devices today. Older objects were created to give people service and enjoyment for many years, but new technology that replaces them will itself be replaced even more rapidly.

Products that take great effort to put together. From the design to the engeineering process to the manufacturing process. The term used for the undoing of this process is Teardown

He stated that a japanes man refering to him self as the fanatic was the first time he had seem someone teardown a product especially Apple Product, usuing a white background to showcase the componet part of the gadgets.

I personally perfere the methodilogical manner of placing work. I am thinking to place the items after teardown on a canvas and on a screen to the side to show the video of the teardown.

EDIT after originally posting He has also made a teardown of the same macbook pro i purchased.

How ever his teardown was more maticulase and he even when further into the produces, that i do not beleive it can be put back together without any special equipment. I want to keep focus that a teardown for repair can be done my anyone who owns the items and simple tools they can purchase. For example why had taken apart all the keybaord when they are revited in with plastic. to take apart the keyboard you would need to break the platic revits and then have the tool to place ne revits when assemlying the parts back. I did not to this as consider the keybaord top layer as a single part even thought it has more parts with in it. But to access them would be distructive.