Micheal Landy

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Micheal landy - Break down 2001,

Was and installation at the old C&A (now Primark) on oxford street london.

It was a installation of the destruction of everything that he own. everyting was reduced to broken down raw Metairal in plastic bins.

What facinate me is the spectical it created. I would have loved to visit the exhibit when it was on. It showing how society is becoming materialistic when in reality these materials are in majority the same raw materials. Nothing diffrenciate them except out own way that we see them. For example how everyone has almos the same look verson of one laptop and the only difference they have is the item we place inside then that give them their value.

How ever fully destory the item i want will defeat the ppourpose of right to repair. I wanted to show that there is a level of dessassebly with out distroy to bring back a none working item back to life.