Category: Editing

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I have decide to keep the lenght at 22min.

Seeing as the laptop was not repairable unfortunatly due to the conidition it was in. Too much corrosion from water damage. Many of the parts will past from being repairs. The hard drive needed to be replace. the Cd player needed to be replaced. Many of the metalic structual components inside the laptop needed to be refurbushed or replaced. I did not have the budge to buy these items of the time ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I have decide to use only jony ive as the main voice from apple. To censor my teardown video i have decide to overlay the promo video on top with some opecity so its diffecult to make out whats going on. As Apple is making it hard for people and even repair shop to know to to repair newer laptop.

One of the outcome i was pleased with some of the video, the out line of jony ive head you are able to see with video below of the teardownl and ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I was unsure whether to keep the full lenght of the video or make a shorter version. I had already planned to Censor the video from the steps. I asked my self some question:

  1. Would it make sense to keep the video at real time length?
  2. Would anyone actually watch the full 2.30 min of the real time video from start to finish?
  3. Having a shorter video, would any informtaion be lost, and therefor conveying a different meaning?
  4. Is ...
Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

When the First edit was complete i had 2 and half hours of footage. This was real time of taking the laptop apart and putting back together.

I had assumed this would take me 45min to take apart and put back together. I was estimating this time frame from previous experince of taking apart Apple computer. Due to budget contraints i was not able to find the same laptop i had previous experince with. Origibnally i was searching for First generation ...

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I began Creating a backup of all the video cards and imported all the footage into a Final Cut Pro Project. I had about 3 Hours of footage in 4 different angles. This equaled to 12 hours of recording. I set up a multicam Clip to begning editing. This reduced the need to watch all the angles seperatly. I had never used the Multicam editing on FCPX, however i had used it on the previous version of Final cut pro 7 Studio. Some of the issues i had ...