Final Video Edit and preparation for video playback

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I have decide to keep the lenght at 22min.

Seeing as the laptop was not repairable unfortunatly due to the conidition it was in. Too much corrosion from water damage. Many of the parts will past from being repairs. The hard drive needed to be replace. the Cd player needed to be replaced. Many of the metalic structual components inside the laptop needed to be refurbushed or replaced. I did not have the budge to buy these items of the time to find the right tool to repair this Macbook.

However have Peter Giving me the idea of utilise the screen if it did not have any major damage and use that is the screen to play back the video. I started to think that this can also how that the right to repair is the same as the right to repourpose. The laptop still has item that are usfull and the largest is the screen. and vital part to seeing what is happening when usuing the computer.

Unfortunatly the screen is not 100% working condition it had a red line and some water marks but i think this adds to the visual of the video. Bring less clean and tidy. playing on the fact of how apple tried to keep its products and promotional videos clean and sterial.