Keep Full or shortened Length Video?

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I was unsure whether to keep the full lenght of the video or make a shorter version. I had already planned to Censor the video from the steps. I asked my self some question:

  1. Would it make sense to keep the video at real time length?
  2. Would anyone actually watch the full 2.30 min of the real time video from start to finish?
  3. Having a shorter video, would any informtaion be lost, and therefor conveying a different meaning?
  4. Is it nesscary to show the assembly of the laptop as it would be displayed disassembled?
    1. Many tutorial video ignore assembly and just say to follow the the disassembly in reverse order,

I began to edit a condenced version but showing everything important. I had shorted the screwdriver twisting sequences of many screws. This made the screw to seem they are very short and does not take much effort to remove them. I also removed sequences where i was checking the teardown guide on the website. This Shorted teh disassembly sequnce from 1:45 down to 22min.

Revewing the video, i was happier with the outcome. The speed was consistance and not labourious and it was prviously was when it contained all the footage.