Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Category: Tutorial

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Final Things to add

  • Simple sound continues sound that loops. Changing volume randomly or lopping (If possible I can have it responsive with area or position of player within the map)

  • Add a Scene with video or VIdeo Box over Level:

    • Explosion from UAV footage (i would like to add on top of the final scene but I don’t want to effect/break something with in the level so I will do it with in a separate scene that come up after level end)
  • Change ccloud edges to be more of a blur/ possibly more realistic.

  • Add a black and white filter. Either all the way through or saturation levels reduce over time?

  • Animation of fluctuating feet number - On the HUD on the right animate the number around 5,000.

  • Play with font to give it ascetic possible a type writer phone.

  • Break down - slash screen so text is multipul pages.

Second player documentation

placed in a Ring binder or envelope with document reference numbers. Different types of top secret levels. Redacted.

Aesthetic of a multepule Photocopy.

Document to have instructions of the path that is taken. For example if it say. Turns left. Go to page 5. If turn right, to go page 6 Make fake pages with fake instructions that would be skipped. It could be that these are the redacted information.

This will give a sense that the document give a path choice, however there is one path that is being follow.

Test if document and game work together.

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Web site to communicate a message and have more details? this could be an option.

  • it is a Commute they are being watched.

    • inspiration from 5000 feet is the best by Omar Fast.
  • The progression of the story is the journey home,

  • Areas of interest can be some cars/people alone in the road.

  • If using real road maps for example from Baker Street to Harrow Uni.

Question about the experience:

  • People assumption - people bias - where it will happen.
  • Focusing on intelligence - how it is communicated.
    • it should be Built-in the experience -either by Overlay the newsletters of actual incidents for each level end.

Try to completed - 3 well-crafted complex maps with full detail- details.

Subtly increase how busy they are and complicity-

  1. Barron
  2. Little busier
  3. Extremely busy with a School.


  • have a simple sound in the background. I thought to have the UAV engine sound continuously playing.

  • Image design, - infrared look? Black and white…. Black hot - and white cold.

  1. Focus on the road.

Try to add realism. Have pre-flight checks Has after flight checks

Thinking about hand drawn Images and map. SO i thought about borrow i drawing tablet from the EMS. I thought i might be easier to create maps and drawing with this tablet.

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Project update

  • Walk cycle - possible to use this option to create movement with in a car.

  • Top down view of a map, What angle? draw images or realistic.

  • Example to use an actually arial photo and place photo-realistic cars to move them.

  • Procedural animation - the maps can be auto-generated, to create different maps that are never the same.

  • Or simply create maps and have a section where the car can travel between. To draw example 5 different path. Draw 5 different paths the car can take, for each section.

Example of Preprogrammed random paths

  • 5 paths from A to B
  • 5 paths from B to C
  • Instead of 25 large different paths from A to C
  • I thought doing this would make path drawing much easier.
Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:


How will the interaction be - to play the game.

  • Possibly - follow object game.
    • Two people
    • One person has information speaks to the other.
    • Other uses information too choose the object to follow. Example such as Keep talking and nobody explodes.

Research and Aesthetics

I Was informed about about September 12th. By: Gonzalo Frasca. Summery of the game: Conveys a timeless maxim: violence begets more violence.

I could use this type of drawing. but send deep message with how the game plays out. U cant put out fire with fire. Its only a shortsighted solution that may have a implications in the future.


BBC Article Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths

Instagram account that shows location of known drone strikes with Google Maps. A Different Kind Of Instagram Account