Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Tutorial - 18th March

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:


How will the interaction be - to play the game.

  • Possibly - follow object game.
    • Two people
    • One person has information speaks to the other.
    • Other uses information too choose the object to follow. Example such as Keep talking and nobody explodes.

Research and Aesthetics

I Was informed about about September 12th. By: Gonzalo Frasca. Summery of the game: Conveys a timeless maxim: violence begets more violence.

I could use this type of drawing. but send deep message with how the game plays out. U cant put out fire with fire. Its only a shortsighted solution that may have a implications in the future.


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Instagram account that shows location of known drone strikes with Google Maps. A Different Kind Of Instagram Account