Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Category: Research

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:


  • UAV – First was orbital 12-000 miles taking photos.

  • Lighting Bug - bad at taking photos (unmanned aerial surveillance) idea was too advanced for current technology in the Vietnam war.

  • Israel 1982 – Arab – Israeli conflict pushed Israel to produced – soviet anti aircraft.

  • A much similar concept with a propeller, but slow limited range. Mainly used as decoys.

  • Can't see visual…. Only see what the instruments say.

  • Predator best and first used – in Bosnia camp…. Real-time performance improved when used in Afghanistan.

  • Synthetic aperture radar – Name for the camera on the UAV camera.

  • Ground Control station: name of froom from where the drone is contorled. can be on an office or container. ANywhere with a direct satillite connection to the drone.

  • Newer models are automated control – fly by it self – only needed monitoring – global hawk – is no weapons serverlance.

  • Most of the manned aircraft - the issue is an expense - 40 mill dollars each global hawk, but to make it reliable.

  • Personal notable things

  • Resonance drone - production of the Predator. Propellor driven makes a high pitch noise. So it can be heard and noticed. so easily can be seen.seen

  • The idea - controlling of something from far away not being actually where the place is. Then placing this into a game….. Installation type of piece

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

i start thinking about other ideas because I found my self the deeper I research and thought about the Proposal Hidden I felt there was a disconnection. I felt it was not personally rewarding to research this topic further. With each hurdle that I found in preparing the story behind the game mechanic. It was hard to find a narrative that I found appealing. In turn,not have a motivation connection how would this story be convincing to the user. Rather than just have a negligible storyline that does not add to the complexity of the mechanic.

I start thinking of other ways I could use this mechanic of screen and polarising filter. Th inperstaion i had for the mechanic was from Visit the Edel Assanti gallery in london. There was an exhibition by: Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Called White Noise.


The visitor in the space is only able to view the film by positioning herself in front of the filter, thereby transforming the act of looking from passive spectatorship to active observation.

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 1.23.33 pm.png

Majority of the footage used was army found footage.

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 11.05.51 am.png

Thinking about the Hidden Proposal. I needed to start to think about an idea for a theme and story that can be placed around the game mechanic of searching with a polerlizing filter. I could have been a simple story. But i want to see if i could have something engaging.

I could add some physic aspects to that game. For example, if the filter was within placed in a holder such a magnifying holder. this would be in a box that open and drops down revealed to the payer, as they progress in the game. So this would be there would have to be 2 screens a normal one and another where the filter is own this would be the one that is searched on.

Here I started to think about. How would the game know where the position of the filter is? How would the user inform the system where they are searching. Would this defeat the purpose, WHy not just create a blacked out section within the game itself and not use the Privacy filter? but this would actually give a physical interaction to it which could benefit the experince.

Another aspect I thought was thinking about XY plane, such as a 3d Printer. and reversing the stepper motors, they would give feedback to the Arduino of the position when they are moved by the user. This is a possible way to know the location. But this would mean there would be the rode on the screen holding teh system together. Another option would be using the Distance sensors, But the user hand could affect the actual reading.

To bring in this system around the screen I need to come up with a compelling story with its futuristic so I started looking at speculative Design.

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 11.40.14 am.png

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Idea A

  • Interaction - I hidden image search game. Animation possibility moving.

  • The screen on table, when looking at the LCD without the Polizing filter there for all of the flight is not filtered out and the screen just looks white. However when I Small pliece of the filter is placed onto the of LCD screen the needed lights are filtered and the images showed in the area of the filter. Adding a physical interaction to the search game.

Screenshot 2019-02-25 at 10.48.35 am.png

Idea B

Ability to control an interface such as a game with gesture. Such as using hand movement to control a steering in a racing game. Or to control GU-interface.

Things I looked at - Control mouse movement with head movement. Changing volume by just using fingers. When rubbing the index finger over the thumb, decrease or increase each why you rub together.

Screenshot 2019-02-25 at 10.57.04 am.pngScreenshot 2019-02-25 at 10.56.08 am.png

I would like to find way to show interaction of someone playing a game. Possibly when someone plays a game for it to react and show in something that is tangible, physically change or move.

For example: Creating smaller screen to show information for a game the being played…. For example a Racing game: screen as:

  • Speed reading,
  • Gear select,
  • Engine RPM, etc.…

Would it be possible in Arduino, further research of project completed with arduino.

Idea C

I also would like to use Processing and Arduino together.
Serial communication between what is graphics language in processing and the microprocessing of the Arduino to interface and interact together.

A game reacting to inputs from arduino…. Or even reaction from the game and output in something that the Arduino is made.

This will mean a lot of code? In different IDE that work together.

Manipulate an analogue input- for example strength of a football kick - instead of using a a GUI interface to change the strength why not use a potentiometer to change the strength.

All computer movement at its basic is code manipulation.