Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Emmanuel Van der Auwera

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

i start thinking about other ideas because I found my self the deeper I research and thought about the Proposal Hidden I felt there was a disconnection. I felt it was not personally rewarding to research this topic further. With each hurdle that I found in preparing the story behind the game mechanic. It was hard to find a narrative that I found appealing. In turn,not have a motivation connection how would this story be convincing to the user. Rather than just have a negligible storyline that does not add to the complexity of the mechanic.

I start thinking of other ways I could use this mechanic of screen and polarising filter. Th inperstaion i had for the mechanic was from Visit the Edel Assanti gallery in london. There was an exhibition by: Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Called White Noise.


The visitor in the space is only able to view the film by positioning herself in front of the filter, thereby transforming the act of looking from passive spectatorship to active observation.

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 1.23.33 pm.png

Majority of the footage used was army found footage.