Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Projects Ideas

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Idea A

  • Interaction - I hidden image search game. Animation possibility moving.

  • The screen on table, when looking at the LCD without the Polizing filter there for all of the flight is not filtered out and the screen just looks white. However when I Small pliece of the filter is placed onto the of LCD screen the needed lights are filtered and the images showed in the area of the filter. Adding a physical interaction to the search game.

Screenshot 2019-02-25 at 10.48.35 am.png

Idea B

Ability to control an interface such as a game with gesture. Such as using hand movement to control a steering in a racing game. Or to control GU-interface.

Things I looked at - Control mouse movement with head movement. Changing volume by just using fingers. When rubbing the index finger over the thumb, decrease or increase each why you rub together.

Screenshot 2019-02-25 at 10.57.04 am.pngScreenshot 2019-02-25 at 10.56.08 am.png

I would like to find way to show interaction of someone playing a game. Possibly when someone plays a game for it to react and show in something that is tangible, physically change or move.

For example: Creating smaller screen to show information for a game the being played…. For example a Racing game: screen as:

  • Speed reading,
  • Gear select,
  • Engine RPM, etc.…

Would it be possible in Arduino, further research of project completed with arduino.

Idea C

I also would like to use Processing and Arduino together.
Serial communication between what is graphics language in processing and the microprocessing of the Arduino to interface and interact together.

A game reacting to inputs from arduino…. Or even reaction from the game and output in something that the Arduino is made.

This will mean a lot of code? In different IDE that work together.

Manipulate an analogue input- for example strength of a football kick - instead of using a a GUI interface to change the strength why not use a potentiometer to change the strength.

All computer movement at its basic is code manipulation.