Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Physical Interfaces

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Asked to download soundplant free software the maps audio to keyboard keys

Mark Weiser 1991
“todays multimedia machine makes the computer screening a demanding focus of attention rather than fade into the background”

Core concepts: Ubiquitous computer Tangible computer Wearable computing Locative media Biodata

Not just thinking about physical interaction but also mental interaction. The take of choices. This is important to draw people into giving at interaction a go.

The quality of experience:


  • Engagement - deliberate inadvertent
  • Consistency - predictability / unpredictability
  • Cursality completeness incompleteness

Create something with one interaction. One click - one interaction, one actual point for the audience.

  • I-Pac Can be read like a normal computer but connect different type of switches. Ground all connected to one wire.= GND

Started to learn and work with simple interactiions, usuing buttoms, light sensors

Different swtich that can be used with the i-Pac

Important Note - switch has two different activation points, when button is press and when button is release. Depend where the wire is attached at the bottom. IMG_2080.jpg

Tilt switch. IMG_2082.jpg

Arduino introduction:

Open source hardware and software. Microprocessor. Easy to access code and information from the community. Someone has already done it before. So it is easy to find the similar code. It is user programmable. Come up with a new scenario.

  • Projects of Arduino, Ex: petting zoo...

  • Addicted products: the story of brad the Toaster.


Can be used to analuge input or output. Contoel servos or read data from sensors.


Can output power to control LEDs
