Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Advanced Arduino

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Arduino IDE syntax

/ slash making a comment line Used to annotate code -

Arduino sketch - designed for non programers

In setup Do stuff that's time insensitive or only needs doing once: for example

A. loading data B. Set pin as input.output

This information needs to be told one which pins need to be used.

The loop -This is things that need to be done constantly

Syntas: curly braces

{ } contains code and nest they need to be in pairs open and closed.

() Normal brackets are arguments,

Function call Events that can me user made or included within the software language.

Learning to the Code. A website to look at for coding simple graphics interfaced and game-like programmes that use Java.

can be used to communicate a verity of animation and video responses graphically. Such as Computer Drawn graphics animation.

Asing A Potentiometer and If statement to control an array of LED.


2019-02-05 10.38.27 am.gif

2019-01-31 3.38.38 pm.gif

Controlling a DC motor

2019-01-31 3.39.45 pm.gif