Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Category: Game

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

When testing the game out. It was important the Operator (The reader of the intelligence Document) I wanted them to be fully engage with what they are reading. I had noticed that the first operator was reading everything within the document. Which is their Choice. I believe this is What they felt was necessary information to convey (all the Information).

Even tho at the beginning of the document, all the information that is needed was all given. What car to follow, where the car will start, and where it will end. So the pilot would be able to follow. So if they correctly communicate or not. The game will progress because they have this information. What I would really have wished to do for this game. Was to give the opportunity when u do not follow the directions of the document for the fame to restart. This would have made the possibility to start over again when something is skipped.

I think spending too much time on polishing the unity game. I did not put the time in the mechancica of the game. I felt it was too leaner but it still got the point and message.

There is a lot of room for improvements. the intelligence document still needed more revision. and I needed to implement a system of communication loses synchronisation. Either buy having the option to fire any time.

Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 3.56.23 pm.png

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I added video clips of actual drone strike footage at the end of the level. I wanted something to remind the player especially the Pilot of the reality of they type of warfare. I felt like it was enough to make the player think about the issues with this type of warfare. Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 9.21.47 am.png

for the script i did not find something available with in the component setting that would allow to change the scene with video end. So i thought about added a timer , and setting it same length of the video. The only problem i thought about is if the video doesn't load some slow down happens the timer would skip the video. For what i need this works.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class LoadLevelTimer : MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] private float delayBeforeLoad = 10f;
    [SerializeField] private float timeElapased;

private void Update()
        timeElapased += Time.deltaTime;
      if (timeElapased > delayBeforeLoad)
            SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

For the final game Where XXXX will be covers with Black marker to look like redacted information. I tested the Document at home with my wife. We made 3 revisions to it. Such to the pacing and Start of instructions.

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Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 10.53.31 pm.png

i didnt want to copy all teh information. so i left the last page where copied from leaked pages from the Iraqi war documents rules of engagment. i had wanted to cross out the names of the country but i did not have enought time. The page would have orignally been in the beginning before the mission objective page to set the rules out. but because i had felt it was too much block of text i had moved it to the back page.

Links that where used to help write with correct terminolgy:

And search the vast library of wikileaks, looking at at random document that are not connected.

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Looking at where I am at this level because coding too a lot of my time. Now that the focus is how the interaction is between 2 players. My inspiration and example i have is Keep talking and Nobody Explodes. A bomb disarming game. One has control of the bomb and the other has the documentation on how to disarm the bomb and it leads to the communication between each other. However, as my game does not have any procedural depth and the interaction his highly scripted.

Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 12.31.12 am.png