Category: Studio

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Fortunately for me, my Wife was willing to be the subject for my photographs in the studio. we decided to bring some accessories and different sets of clothes to see what we can achieve. How a change of hairstyle and clothes can change the character of a person. I had put three main aspects will try to follow, Childish character and hairstyle, teenage/young adult, and middle age adult. I wanted to see if it was possible to capture these statuses with just simple change around the same person.

Most of the morning in the studio I spent setting up the camera kit and light as I was working alone on this breif. had did not have any previous experience looking in a studio or for photography. The only experience i had was the induction and workshop play around in groups.

On the day I had some tips from out tutor Julian, who informed me that if I add distance between the background and the subject. the picture would look much nicer. That I should not be shy to use them all the space available within the studio. The only issue I saw was the background roll was not wide enough and in some photos, the edges would appear. But this did not matter to me as the composition and exposure of the photos looked wonderful when I took Julian tip.

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When correcting the distance of the flashlight keeping them balanced between one another. Keeping the background light spill separated from the subject and having enough distance between them the result is more professional. As can be seen from the photos below.

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