Category: Research

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:
Elements of a Portrait
  • Face - The Personal appearance, facial Expression, all aspects of the face.

  • Pose - The manner and attitude, expression made,

  • Clothing - Cultural values, fashion taste, gender identity, social class.

  • Location - Background setting or lack of a background, social scene.

  • Props - Object or other things that indicate the status or dignity of the subject.

  • Portraiture was central to the historical development of photography as a commercial industry.

  • Portraits are used to identify and make visible different sections of the population. (seeing the unseen/ voyeurism? )

  • We learn to identify sign and symbols (semiotic) features when looking at portrait.

  • "Recognition" "Empathy" a vital component in the pleasure of looking at portraits. Viewers can implant their own feeling in a portrait and meaning is created only from looking at the portrait.