Category: Extra

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I was emailed by Ed the CMP intern who was looking for 1st Year CMP students to help with the 2nd Year CMP Convergent Media Assessments. I was able to to help on the second day on Wednesday the 10th of April. I pushed my self to help to gain more experience with photographer cause I felt the more I have exposed to it the more confidence I will achieve. Usually, I would only accept brief to videography. But this is one of the main reasons I had chosen to do this course, Contemporary Media Practice. The ability to learn and gain experience in each aspect of media.

The Breif: The primary focus of your photographing is to record the work created by students. Your photographs will be used as documentation for external examiners who moderate your work. If you do one thing when you are photographing it must be DOCUMENTING the work students have produced.

For installations

  • Photograph the work from various angles
  • Photograph the work at various different stages
  • Photograph Detailed closeups as well as wide angles

For projection pieces

  • Photograph the video at various stages
  • Small video clips of the work will be helpful

For performative pieces

  • Photograph the performance through various moments.

Approach this as if you are a crime scene photographer, and you should get the drift. If you have any questions do let me know.

The main Brief was to take photos of the installation at all angles. To aid the external examiners to understand the projects.

Going through this experience it was very different from the Stoot for my brief in the Studio. It was more stressful because I was unaware of what will happen during the day. It was my responsibility to take the correct photos with the correct composition.

On the day I had to document 11 Different grroups of works in a variety of rooms. I think achieved the brief to my best ability and it was an excellent experience to gain more exposure to photography.

I took a total of 418 photos. Possible I may have taken more than I needed but I thought as it is documenting students work it was better to take more to not miss something important.

Here is a selection of photos from the day:

IMG_0069.JPG IMG_0109.JPG IMG_0249.JPG IMG_0280.JPG IMG_0345.JPG IMG_0384.JPG IMG_0428.JPG