Category: Experiments

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:
Photography in between nature armed with my iPhone.

For this project as most of the photographs were taken within a studio setting. I wanted to experience with taking photos with natural light and outside. Using natural background.

So i Planned a trip to Kew Botanical Garden with my wife, who happily assisted me to be my subject for the photos, which I am very thankful for.

I wanted to experience with taking photos but not using the face as the main subject of the photos. Using background such as different nature. A subject without showing the facial features to create emotion.

As I was using an iPhone that has an option creates phots using an option called "Portrait mode", this Create a digital Depth of Feild effect around the subject. However because of the iPhone mostly using artificial intelligence to judge the distance and when to start and stop the blur D.O.F. effect this sometimes creates a jagged and hard border between subject and the start of the Depth of field blur. Viewing the photos on a smaller scale such as on a phone screen that mode is acceptable but for anything else, this effect works best under perfect conditions. Fortunately, because this effect is software and not hardcoded in the image data by a lense it can be turned off later within the software.

I personally prefer the photo below on the left. While on the right it is using the software to create a Boke' effect. As i took the photo midst the subject movement the hair has a natural flow to it. A flow the continues to the leaves and branches in the background.

Screenshot 2019-04-28 at 12.05.53 pm.png

As it was a sunny day, walking underneath large trees and plam trees, the sunlight when shin through between the leaves and branches. This can be used as Spotlight for specific directional light. Position of the subject is vital to achieving the desired effect.


Selection of photos from Kew Gardens.

kew photos Collection.jpg