Category: Evaluation

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

As it was my first experience with photography within a studio setting. From my previous experience as a videographer. I have gotten used to taking as much material to edit down later. To not miss a moment. I had learned a habit that when ingesting footage I would mark which moment were worth it when others were not. I was not sure how to convert habit I had created for video in the context of photography. It is possible that my brief was too open-ended that it made it difficult choosing the correct shots.

While I was shooting in the studio I wanted to show I woman transition from a girl phase into a woman. How hair, clothes and accessories can change someones social status and character. I believe as a whole I tried to keep true to this brief. But I easy for me to move away from it in search of something aesthetically pleasing. Here the question would arise. Why is this photo so nice. Why is it aesthetically pleasing. why does it work so well? But i couldn't really answer the question of what character does it show. This question might have been difficult because the subject was my Wife. A person that I am very comfortable with and I know very well. It could have been my personal bias that the changes were not significant enough for me. However, these photos were not for me only.

It was hard to select photos for the Brief. I felt a lot of the photos we acceptable, i could not choose between them.

I would have liked to learn to edit raw photos and given tips on basic Raw Photo editing such as how we where given with Video editing software. Because all the photos i talk with raw i think having this editing ability might have help to choose between photos.