Category: Exercise

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Important Note: The scene Must include shot reverse shot.

Week 2 - Blocking & Seen Rehearsal Week 3 - Filming of the scene between Week 3 & 4 - Editing of video Week 4 - Film Crit with Pavel and other group.

We where given a script to read over. We where tasked to create a scene from the script.

Screenshot 2019-04-15 at 12.16.40.png

Example ideas and treatment:


  • Idea of different aspect
  • Image a whole visual word that transcends the scene.

The reason for the newspaper, its the son that buy the news new paper. His father passed away. And always his father bough a news paper everyday/ The son buys a news paper because he is holding onto its his father memory.

One example,

One character is dealing with loss.

Another Example:

Both Characters are dealing with loss.

Further examples:

Using Fight club as inspiration, One character talking to the other who is a figment of his own imagination. Trying to use camera end editing techniques to slowly show that the second character is not really there.