Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Proposal - 2 different ideas

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

It was difficult to choose between ideas and I wanted to see how the rest of the class would react to these ideas and would make it easier for me to narrow my options and choose the best idea to go forward with.

The first idea, I like to use a polarizing filter with an LCD screen. Something about this stood out to me. However, I could not come with a feasibly interesting idea. Other than thinking about that this Filter creates privacy and something hidden. So logically I thought about how it could be a hidden search game.

Screenshot 2019-04-28 at 5.16.44 pm.png

Another interest I had was interactivity with Ardiuno, Thinking about gestures control. In in reality from it being something gimmicky i was thinking how i would create some substance to it. It would be how is gestured used. many people now have gotten used to controlling a computer with a Mouse and Keyboard. but would it would take for this to change. The mouse pointer was the extension of the pointer finger. So touch screen work. Even the keyboard is redrawn. on the screen to be used as touch type.

I thought about disability, this project would be more interesting if i could work closely with someone who is disabled and found a way to use gesture control. Rather than it being for a person to learn something new to do the same thing they can do with a mouse and keyboard.

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