Interactive Media

Mohamed Al-Kaf - Media Explorations

Game Assets

Written by: Mohamed Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

A balance between create my own game assets and usgin ready made assets to save time. Which will give more more time to focus on Coding.

I start by making a HUD for the UAV system with PhotoShop, searching online i found example i could follow.

Screenshot 2019-04-06 at 7.00.10 pm.png

Attempting to add Building with The Drawing Tablet. How everything this is a very hand drawn aesthetic. Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 3.43.06 pm.png

I noticed that it would be take alot of time to draw and make the the assets my self. As the code is not complete and i felt that there was stiall more i wanted to build to the game i prefered to use some ready made assets that could speed things up for me. This also got me thinking that it would have been better to work in a group. Where each person would take different aspect of the work.

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 3.46.51 pm.png

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 3.46.57 pm.png