Media Explorations

Mohamed Al-Kaf

Interactive Media Group

You are challenged to undertake a practical exploration of interactive media. During the module you will produce and document a number of practical experiments before developing a self-initiated interactive media project as a part of a group.

In an increasingly computer mediated world we have come to expect an ‘active’ role in our control, access and experience of media. When almost all media experiences are deemed ‘interactive’ how can we design meaningful interactive experiences for the audience? This module will introduce current debates and practical skills to allow you to produce engaging interactive work across a range of media.

A series of workshops will introduce hardware and software tools for constructing interactive work across contexts including installation, moving image and web/mobile. Having experimented in the first weeks, in week 6 you will present a proposal for a substantial self-initiated interactive media project and indicate the group you will work with. In the remaining weeks there will be advanced workshops and tutorials to support the production of your projects.

As well as producing practical work you are also required to produce thorough individual records of your exploration in a blog. You are required to make weekly entries and should note that your individual documentation will be assessed along with the practical work.