Visit to the Strand - Strange Days

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I was recomended to visit the strange days exhibit at 180 strand by Peter Dukes. To have a better understand how moving image is used with in a installation.

The Exhibit that stood out for me was the 4th floor to mildness by Pipilotti Rist - exploring the social and meditative aspects of image consumption. Questioning the aspect of how we consume moving image. At its basic stage majority of of moving image is displayed along a two demensional Plane. Why does all of the moving image have to consmed on flat screen on TV laptop and Mobile phones.

Using projectors to project video on the ceiling the rounded edge screens breaking down the aspect of 2 deminsional viewing experiance.

How a simple change to the nature of viewing, i felt whiel laying down and watching the videe of underwater nature, it was easy to feel like laying ont eh bed of the sea and look up. Thinking about consuming what is around us in a different way.