Tutorial Notes - Peter Dukes

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

Real time or short cut version of

Ervin Wurm - Video fo absurd objects.

Swiss artist - fichilly and vest - they way things go. Deconstructed items that are links

Considered cutting out of parts as corporate secrecy.

Example: Distortion. Absurd Concertino.

Adverts - found footage that is manipulated. Play with exerts of videos.

Politically motivated. Cassette boring. - Cassette Boy- artist with found footage.

Video artist : term british scratch video - George Barbour and others Ubu.com

Film and video section The disruption happen often happen. Diconstruction -

What about spreading around - deconstruction arrangement - aesthetic

Cornealia Parker - cold art matter.

Looking at the asethich of sculptor presentation of the product.

Miichael Landy - distorting everything performance

Arrangment of deconstruction parts along a wall. Called breakdown.

Systematic take apart and distrotying.