Three other Ideas

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on:

Some other ideas:

•   What is inside technologies, how much does electronic equipment take up in space. How how do we use them?
•   The art of cutting hair,
•   The Gym, The place of the gym, the space of the gym. Where when and how? 
•   The space of our body and how it Changes. The idea of someone loosing weight how the space of the body is changes. 

Currently a side project I am working on:

The Gym. With conversation with my personal trainer. I have learned he has a client how was extremely over weight and was given only a few years to live. About 6 years ago, doctors have him around4 years to live. Due to his weight and excess fat, he changed his life around by going to the gym and meeting the personal trainer.

The story of the trainer Paul Furgas, he considered him self as a couch potato. being over weight but not at a dangerous. He did not have an active life. He changed his own life and now continues and wants to change his life for the better. In learning how the body functions he wanted to share his new skills with others. Mainly showing that if he was able to do it that any one can. Not focusing on just the ascetics of have a "better body" but also have a better life. That all the small gains.

Example of installation.

I was considering doing a multiple screen installation. selection has instagram feed. And Present that with multiple screen. For people to enter and and exit how they want. For people to watch any screen they want. At least 3 screen 1 Screen is the Interview. 2 one screen doing workout 3 Motivational speed. 4 Technical disruption of work outs.

I have a interview set on Monday the 3rd

Another idea I had which I was motivated to do more search. Is the idea of how much space technology really takes, The physical volume of a laptop, and how space it allows us to access Vs how much it space it actually takes.