Statment of Intent - Concrete Desire Paths

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on:

To look at desire paths in area/places that do normally leave “path”. It is fairly easy to see desire paths created on parks with grass. The relationship of what is created for the user and what the user wants/experiences. This also bring the concept up how materials degrade over time when used. Current research topics:

• Concept of showing a hard material degrading over time with how its being used. • This can be as a practical visualizing of unseen visual paths. Direct marking of the space traveled of someone walking. • Would be easily seen on fresh layer of snow. • Clean sandy beach/dunes • Painted floor at the entrance/exit and footprint are left of where people walk towards. (seen when paint is spilled when road marks are being painted and it is not cleaned up. When growing up in my home city a truck delivering paint spilled paint on the road. And its easy to visualize the way the car travel. • On a wet patch of the road and foot print leave a mark of direction of walking. There are resemblances of concepts with between physical desire path and technology. Such as user-interference and user-experience. How a designer intends to build a application/programme and how the user uses it. Even in basic form of traveling getting from A to B, users may have option to create a short-cut. No matter how unreasonable it may seem. Bookmarking a website page, rather than going to the homage and using the links every time.