Space, Place & History

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

On Friday 9th of November, The new project for ICMP was launched.

Space, Place and History suggests how we might attach layers of meaning to specific locations.

The media area suggested for the project are:

•   Film - (created a single screen moving image must work in projection group)
•   Expanded media - this includes artist moving image, installation, multi-screen work, interactive and hybrid media
•   Photography

Personally my default answer would be to make a film. But as I felt this was to safe of an option from the work I had previously created. I pushed my self to choose Expanded media or photography as the method to present my work. As I have never done any work in photography previously, and expanded media interest me hight but I do not have as much experience in other media platforms. I was unsure how I will start this project. My go-to idea was to make something about my home country but I wanted to stay away from this topic as it was too complex.