Right to Repair - Final Analysis

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

One of the outcomea from the project i wanted the viewers to think about item after the initail usage. The they dont need to be thrown away when replaced. Showing there is ability to repair, and when not being able to repair to fully working condition to repurepose the indivitual parts. Not just decontructing the item into their individual raw materials such as main stream recycling.

In my midn there are three methods of presenting the work.

  1. If the laptop was in fully working condition, i would have have the laptop in parts in the middle on a table with two screen on either side, one showing the disassembly, the other showing the assembly.
  2. Have the video on one screen, of assembly and disassembly. and then the laptop in parts around the screen with each part handing from string from the ceiling, giving it some deep and small parts taking a larger area.
  3. Because the laptop is not working, i reusing the screen sepratly to show the video. if i had more time.i would like to have used the harddrive to store the video for playback, and re-use the able with in the laptop to wire the screen to work. But this would been more time to study and research the working of the logic baord to find the correct wires.

I worry that they video is too long but then again i have to say that the video length is excellent and that the length representing of the time it takes to actually tear down a laptop. it takes time and patience to do it. I would have like time to play round with the found footage.

I very interested on how the group will think and feel after viewing the project.