Making the screen work

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on:

After the idea from peter to use the screen for video play back i search online how to repourpose and old laptop LCD pane and use it as a monitor without th need for the laptop logic board.

I found a lot of videos on youtube giving detials how to use old LCD panel as a second monitor. The video i used was this one.

  • I needed to find out the model number of the lcd panel used on the laptop used.
  • Search on ebay for contorl board to power and send a signal to the screen
  • Purchase power adaptor.

Due to the limited time for this project. i did not have the ability to what for the laptop to come, and after or the needed contorllor baord. as this board will be coming with china i could not afford to order it at a later date. I had decide to search the model number of the screen used from the model number of the laptop used. From this information i order the contorllor board from the information i found. It was a risk i had to take cause if i waited for the laptop to arrive i may not have enough time to order the part from china.

Either this works or doesnt. i would rather have the option of being correct with the screen model number even without seeing the laptop rather than waiting for the laptop to arrive first and then not having enough time to order the contorllor baord from china.