Intent of the video and installation

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on:

I want to make the viewer to think about Taking apart objects, especially laptop that are synonamous with everyday life and society. How easy and not easy to take apart something if someone had the intent to do it. Therefor bringing the aspects of repairablilty. If all of items that we own can be repaired in any manner increasing longevity.

When thinking of longevity in society. Items do not last longer as they used to. We are pushed to replace worn out/ old items.

  • Shoes are replaced and not repaired (there are less shoe repair shops around London)
  • General household repair items. There are less hops that repair TV and washing machine and general House hold electronics.
  • Laptop repair shops in the high street are become more repair shops phone and tablet repair espeically just for screens.

I want the veiwer to start thinking about the ownership of the products they purchase. Specifically focusing on Personal Computers. As Computers are composed from multipul parts when one parts stops working it will result in all the system not working. More times than usual this will result in the the product being scrapped and replaced with a new product. Here comes the question of Planned obscelesence. Are products now days being designed and engenieered to not last?

Apple Inc. Has come underfire because of this topic. Espeically with iPhone 6 procor slow down. When they reduced the speed of the iphone 6 without the user knowledge, that there was a drastic change in the speed of the phone, many people felt they had not option but to upgrade to the newer released product. the excuse was Because of none user removable battery, they battery life had decreased therefor holding less of a charge that the iPhones 6s at full power did not last long enough and would suddenly shut off.