Concrete Desire Paths - SPH analysis

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on:

The space of where travel. To which ever direction for which ever reason. It may be a path shortest distance from A to B. Only with time the routes start to emerge. Space = how the paths are visible. Place = where they happen, why happen. What is the reason behind them, even if it is possible to see any ideas behind them? History = the time it takes from them to be created. From the first person who walked the path, to the continuation of every person that took that new path. How a person can leave a lasting impression on the space around them that continues exist even after the fact. The non-deliberate action of a non-destructive manner, leave a lasting impression, but many who do these actions do not realize the impact of what they have done.

The image below. Is cars driving over a Pavement Kurb. The desire path of Drivers.

Again a desire path of drivers, rather than follow the marked areas in parking lot, as it not considered a public road. many people take the fastest route from A to B leave bvehind tire marks of the many cars that take this path.

Here a path s curved out the gound and tress, Possible cars pass through his road on a regular basis. Such how buses regulary passing next to a tall tree they carve out the shape of thh bus on the branches over time.