Coming up with ideas

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I began my search looking what place had an interest to me. It was difficult for me to pin point an interest top start researching.

When ever i was out int eh street i found my self people watching. Especially people who are walking. They have headphones one and are in thier own world. Unaware of being watched or what they leave after they passed.

Thinking about the unusaly.... the diffecult... desire path cam in to mind. however i wanted to take it a step further and not just look at paths that are created on grass.

To view the path made on grass. its not nesscary to follow the people creating it. Soil and Grass are soft. Thinkig further: what about Harder materials that need a longer time to show the paths taken. This idea come from heavy machine on harder materials. Showing decay over time, Such as stone stairs in a castle that have wear on then from steps taken.