2nd Tutorial - Peter Dukes

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

The Second Tutorial, Main outcomes:

I need more add more contextual research to the Blog. I have many ideas and artest research that i had not placed in the blog.

Talking about lenght of video.

THe manner of the teardown, in sterialised looking area, White table, Gloves and strong white light like a medical procedure.

How i display the project. Orginally i had an idea of sticking all the items to onto a while canvas. And display it a 3d painting. With the ability for the viewer to understand the volume each peice takes not just a 2d image, like a photo graph taken and then printed. I wanted to viewer to start thinking about the volume of laptop. what really it takes to make the internal of a laptop. Bring aspects of the space it takes up. The place of where people generally use a laptop. because i will be using an older model of laptop the history of laptop repair will come into question.

I was confident in the reasons i had for the project. The reason i wanted to real time of the editing process was to really show how and what it takes to disassemble, the time and labour. Showing it is not complicated, that it takes patience and organisiation to open and put back together. Also this is even easier when there are comprehensive instructions. Right now one of the larges companies on the internet that support the right to repair, iFixit.com They have a comprehinsive list of electronic products with intructions of how to dissassemble how to to repair, even selling spare parts and their out precision tool kit

As apple was trying to stop third part repairs and generally saying repairs should be done only by apple and apple certified repair shops. They have rules for repair process that defet the propuse of wanting to reapir a computer. General when a single small compnent on a logic board fails such as a small resistor. Apple willl general replace all the baord and transfer the cost of the whole board tot he customer. They will not attempt to solder out the broken resistor

he had given me the idea Idea for Using screen at playback for the video. and i found it exreamly interesting as the purhased laptop was water damaged and highly likly i would be unable to repair it with in the budge of £100. I thought i can use this to also repurpose its items.