Web - Narrative

Written by: Mo Al-kaf | Posted on: | Category:

In Web, We have been tasked to Create a interactive narrative displayed within a website.

The schedule for the next 4 weeks: Screenshot 2019-04-20 at 19.44.37.png

Telling a story with web

  • Telling a story with perspective.

  • You choose how you navigate. And become a part of making of the story.

  • The user can be a character or author in the story.

    • Hyper link
    • HTML
  • Web was designed to connect databases together.

  • Traditional idea of narrative

    • A leaner process. Serious of action points that link together and climax.
  • Canonical storyflow - straightforward story.

    • Non leaner story flow.
      • But have lots of options to add information and to add side stories.
        • And eventually ending with the ending.
  • Elements of drama.

    • Six Elements:
      • good plot.
      • Character.
      • Thoughts.
      • Diction.
      • Song.
      • Spectacle.
  • Summaries. Difficult to read big block text. So use images animation and story. Or implied story. Reader to do the work.

  • Code is like telling a story.

    • It’s like interactive story telling.
      • Such as a flow diagram.

Can use Plot generator. For idea.

Things to think about for the brief:

  • Structure of Project.
  • Main programme to be used