Narrative - Story Telling

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  • Foreshadowing and epiphany.

    • Give hits of whats going to happen.
    • For example the music in jaws.
  • Epiphany example, narrative is an individuals perspective of a surrounding landscape”

    • Works same in film and in books
    • Giving prespective.
    • Visual arts decices, 3 piont presentie doreshortinging, giving an idea of where the viewer is standing.
    • The idea of perspective changes because opportunities can be given to change the perspective and angaging them within in the story. Change perspective to read from a different character.
  • Th context of the person telling the story.,

  • The direction go scroll is important when looking at content on the web,

    • Many graphics option that allow us to engage within a story.
  • Plot structure in interactive narrative

    • Different narrative types of structure
      • Linear narrative
      • Parallel narrative
      • Non-linear narrative dynamic narrative
      • Branching narrative
  • Story telling is joke telling -

    • confirming some truth

Watching a Video from TedEX

  • Make Me Care
    • Making a promise that continue will lead to a better time.
      • Well told promise - promise to have a good time, once upon a time.
      • Storytelling without dialogue
        • They want to work for the meal and they don’t want to know they are doing that
      • Human are born problem solvers - well organised abscise of information.
      • Complete the sentence - naturally want to finish.
      • The invisible application that hold us to the story.
      • Darma is anticipation mingled with confusion.
      • Story had guidlines not hard fast rules.
  • Use what you know, express values the deep in the core.