Ideas for Website

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I found it difficult to come up with an idea. I was tasked to re-tell a story in an interactive and non-linear form. There are many different formats to a webpage. 1- linear scrolling on the a single page, all the information is placed into a single page. that the visitor scrolls to reveal more data. where scrolling reveals more information and show some animation. The user only interaction with the website with scrolling, In Two direction UP or DOWN. Down progress the story, Up reverse the story.

2 - Links to navigating to different pages with a back button it is possible to reach a different page and ignore where u started. Such as Links within a page lead to another page and so on.

3 - 3D navigation page. such as which uses animation/ images/ video to tell a story that that is progressed by the visitor. This website may include an interactive section where the vistor can click on or scroll.

What stood out for me is the Full lengh page, that revealed more information with scrolling.

The original idea.

I had originally planned to show a map of an specifc area, such as oxford street from about. Place points along a route that the visitor can click on to receive more information. To have an experince of a walk down oxford street.

I start looking at Google Maps API to see what is possible but at the current level of my coding, it was difficult for me to understand. I look at other websites.

Looking at MISSING - the true crime story, I found thought the developer section that they were about to achieve this website using Javascript. and they had multiple layers of Canvas to achieve the full effect. To interact you would use the mouse click, the mouse location would pivot and pan the view around, and the scroll would actil like a fast forward or reverse to the storyline.