Experimenting with flash Photography

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

In Photgoraphy workshop We we given:

  • Camera
  • Flash
  • Profoto Power Box
  • Light Meter

    We begin learning how to use these items togther and understanding the relationship between the strength of the flash and the aperture of the camera.

    We were first tasked with taking a picture with one flash. We begen experiement with the photo of motion. From the example below they where Of dnacing and through items in the air.

    With these photos we had primarly just focus on a single subject and not thinking about the background. Out intention was to get the subject correctly exposed and the flash to be fast enough to freeze motion with in the frame.

    From this we began to understand the different relationship of the setting between the light position, light strength and, camera setting.

    After the break we where tasked to start using 2 more lights. With these three light we would use two light to expose the background different from the subject using the third.

    We had to frist evenly place the two light the same distance away from the background. and test with the photo meter without a subject.

A few Photos from the studio workshop:

Screenshot 2019-04-28 at 12.29.35 pm.png Screenshot 2019-04-28 at 12.30.13 pm.png Screenshot 2019-04-28 at 12.30.36 pm.png