Refining the Edit - and Balancing Sound

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on:

Having the majority of the cuts made and the shots placed the cutaway in the start, middle and end of the scene. The scene is starting to come together. one of the issues I noticed is with the sound. I was not sure why but it did not sound correct. It was usable. But I felt as when the sound was recorded differently between each character. I added a back hour HVAC noise throughout the whole conversation scene. This to me balanced the audio so there were no differences and no clipping from shot to shot. However, I think if the scene was long that noise could get annoying as it is a continues humming and bussing noise. But this is me trying to do the best within the time and skills that I have.

Screenshot 2019-04-27 at 3.37.01 pm.png

I had set up a meeting with the Director and the rest of the time to show the progress of the editing and to take and advise on what was imagined differently and if I was in the correct path. This meeting was agreed on the day of shooting with everyone. Unfortunately, the Director did not come to the meeting which I found it disappoint and lacked leadership, after the film shoot there was no communicated from the director. When reaching out to them on the Whatsapp group there was no reply. I felt i did as much as I could do. Only the Production Designer and Actor were able to attend. They were happy with what I had done so far and asked what it would look like if added multiple flashes back in the middle.

With the feedback, I started to create different edits. I used the scene with coil rope. I broke down the cleaning of the tools to more than one shot, Separating the cleaning of the hammer and the tools laid out on a table.

Looking back at the footage I found two edits that worked. I personally felt that the edit with multiple flashbacks did not work with the pace of the conversation. The edit with one flashback in the middle worked better. but this is only in my option. I continued to finalise the enter correct the sound for both single and multiple flashbacks.