Preparing for shoot - My Thoughts

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

From the experience of the rehearsal shoot, There seems to be disorganisation and demotivation from the Director to direct the actors. and help them and motivated them to get the best action. The actors were left to their own accord to act how they believed was necessary. This Created a very... simple and basic emotional performance. They had not received instruction to pause or take a breath pace out the converstaion event to try something different. The only decision that was made was to swap the actors. Because one of the action English was their second language. It added to the character of the killer as he seems nervous and words were difficult for him to say.

None of the team made notes down the shots they were decided to be filmed. Only the blocking was rehearsed and discussed. On the rehearsal day many of different camera nagels or movements we had planned to try it was decided that it would be left out and left to try on the day of shooting. I had wanted to try to Film a rehearsal shoot and watch together as a team on a monitor with sound to see what we are able to achieve. As for many of the group it was their first time using such filming equipment. It would be an excellent stage to iron out any issues for the actual day of filming.

If each member of the group was motivated by their role and pushed to get the best this production would run smoothly with not issues.

Story Board

The Director had created a Storyboard, Drawn by Hand on the day of rehearsal. However, this Storyboard was not shared or explained to the team. I found it very hard to converse with the Director to fully understand what the image they had imagined for this short film. It was Promised to us the storyboard would be Scanned and upload to be shared with everyone.

However, I had never received the Storyboard and never really knew how to go shot by shot and what structure I should follow when I start to edit.