Making First Cuts - Rough Draft

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on:

I was not sure how to start the edit. I felt that because many of the shots that were discussed and shown in the storyboard (which was never shared with the rest of the group, making visualisation of the Director intention difficult) were missing. I had the script to assist in creating a raw edit. I wanted to start with the base of the conversation and change the edit to achieve some emotion and pace.

Screenshot 2019-04-27 at 12.40.18 pm.png

This is the raw edited of the conversation i felt was best suited to use.

However, the Director of Photography had wanted to see a version with the only shot of the doorway entrance. There were only two shots that could be used. unforutUnforunatly both had issues, one of them the character was looking direct to camera. The other the door frame camera the actor and did not look aesthetically pleasing such as the rest of the shots.

Actor looking into camera

Right Door frame covering actor

There was no reverse angle filmed with the actor entrance and walking towards the chair. I was unable to cut from this shot to maintain continuity. it would have been possible to use the shot where the door frame covers the character but for the shot would have to be held for what I felt was too long.