Logging Clips

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on:

Seeing the footage I was given, I found it hard to mentally construct the conversation scene as the director intended. This was the main section of the film.

Normally in a production majority of the footage recorded does not end up in the final edit. There was a total of 22min recorded. The final project did not have an estimated length.

The idea I had when I started looking over the clips was to search what footage had great composition and that was lit well and sounded excellent. Foruntaunly in his occasion the majority of the actor's performance was not varied making labelling the logging easier.

I looked at every clip and start to label and tag each clip and each section that stood out to me. Using the final cut pro keyword system, I start adding a favourite section and rejects out that were not acceptable.

Screenshot 2019-04-27 at 12.12.52 pm.png

After viewing all the footage. I had noticed that I only had almost 3 minutes and 30 seconds of usable and acceptable footage from the conversation scene.

Screenshot 2019-04-27 at 12.14.58 pm.png

I felt like i had little material to make the best scene out of, but this should not be a problem when I have a better perspective if the final product that I could achieve.