Ingesting the footage

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on: | Category:

I had received the footage from the director a day after the shoot had finished. I was informed that at the night of the shoot the clips would be upload so I could start editing and have something ready to show the team.

When logging the clips to see what was recording. I Noticed many of the shots we had planned where not filmed. After consulting the team who were at the shoot everything i was given was all the footage from the shoot.

I believe on the day of shooting the time was mismanaged and fatigue led the team to make the choices that many of the unwanted outcomes will be "fixed in post". If a Shot list was created it would have made things easier to follow on the day of filming. If we took time out on how to place each shot and write down a list of the shots it would have made it easier to follow and not miss any shots.

There was also some problem that occurred with the actors who spent more time missing lines than correctly acting and presenting the lines. This led the scene with the actors taking longer to film. In turn, there was not enough time to film all the scene and angles Discussed.

Some of the team did not correctly perform their roles. While others took on more than they could handle. When reviewing the Raw footage, i hat noticed the Director of Photography and the producer giving a lot of the direction the actors this could have made him miss out and forget about the other shots that needed to be taken. If the Director had been more involved with the Actors, it could have been possible the Director of Photography could have focused more on his role.

The footage I was given.

Each character was shot over the shoulder, with a Medium and Close Up Angle. There was also a hand handed shot of following the character walking through the door was filmed too, Unfortunately, the revere angle was only filmed with the character sat down and cutting between them it would break continuity.

I could not use one angle of the entrance shot as i felt was too long and too shaky. So cutting to a scene of him already sitting down would break the continuity. And using that shot of the entrance one angel in the conversation would have had to be used for too long.

One of the actors had noted and was in the recorded shots and would it make more sense to recording the opposite side with him walking in rather than already sitting down. However, the Director of Photography had noted that it is not a problem and it would be fixed in the post with the needed cut.

As the team were recording a short film for the first time, professionalism was lacking. Many of the team members continued to have a conversation during the filming and this was present in the sound that was recorded.

Group Organisation for Pre-production

I Was informed that many issues arose during the shoot. A decision was made on the night of filming that they would be fixed in post. the second character was not light the same way as the first. I was informed that there were many issues. It had started to rain and this made leaving the light outside.

Seeing lighting with the naked eye is very different from seeing how the camera picks the light. Each camera has a different sensitivity. It is always easier to Overexpose and light a sense and decrease the brightness during the post-production stage to keep more of the details with how the footage is compressed while recording to the codec.

The director was not Involved with the actors and many of the direction was given by the producer or Director of photography and this made their own job more complicated. the Delegation and understanding of roles were mixed and therefore the efficiency of the group working together was not at its optimal. This led to mistakes.

We had decided to meet on Tuesday few days before the Crit. and i can show the group what i have rough cut and what i can change to achieve the directors vision.