Filming Day

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on:

Day of filming. As the Group decided to film in the evening, This means starting the recording the conversation scene in the dark. The majority of the filming was delayed until the evening time. as stated before, however for an aesthetic reason did not happen. Starting at an earlier time would have given more of the day to reshoot anything if needed and to be prepared with extra time if something had not gone to plan.

I was able to be present during the day of the shoot and I would be able to help out with the sound until around 6 pm. I had talked with our assistant director to take over the sound recording when I had to leave. I showed him how to read and adjust the sound levels. Also to watch out for where the directional microphone is pointed, as this would affect the volume of the conversation.

During the day all the cut aways would needed to be filmed

  1. Cleaning over the sink
  2. Arranging the tools
  3. Teing up the Victim
  4. Preparing equipment such as rope.

The Director of Photography and I had ended doing most of these shots ourselves with the ability we had. The first shot, Washing and Cleaning over the sink, Only the Director, the Director of Photographer and myself. Had gone to the Blue Shed to film at the sink. While the rest of the time complete the set design, Which should have been completed the previous day, also this too much longer as the majority of the group and spend working hours socialising and having chats about topics other than the film production this decreased the effective time we had for work.

Unfortunately, many of the scenes above were filmed without the Director and whilst everyone having a conversation in the background. The attention and motivation seemed to be less after the first scene was completed.

The scene of the tool was done while people were having a conversation that meant the sound was not usable. This seems to be the outcome of many of the shots. The Recording of coiling the rope was recording outside. Therefore the traffic sound was picked up by the microphone. As the University is situated near a hospital, the majority of the time there were sirens in the background audio.

By the time all the extra shots were complete, the group had started to wait for the sun to set. I had left the team at this point.

At the end of the shoot, the footage would be uploaded to a Shared Google Drive for everyone to access and for me to start logging and ingesting the footage.