Film Viewing Crit with Pavel

Written by: Mo Al-Kaf | Posted on:

Evaluation - Notes

  • For drama when shooting - slow down and keep gaps in the acting. Because film is slower than reality. There should be footage to add and use to create tension.
  • Work on reaction shots, one actor off camera is talking to have the ability to extend time. If not enough footage of reaction if possible to slow down when they are not talking and just looking.
  • When there is a decent pave, giving ability to Control the pace at will…
  • There is limited to how much u can slow down, this is dependent on the filming of the actors and acting. But to speed up can be done as fast as wanted.
  • Trail and error is needed when finding what is the right pace. Seeing what feels right. Its a Gut feeling
  • Rhythm has an over structure such as a piece of music. Loving a song is how it played out is similar to loving a scene.
  • In film with editing it can creating an extra dimension of times - what they are doing revels much more about the situation they are in.
  • Audio has to travel longer if mic is not set closer to the subject. It create an unwanted effect to gain a clean audio Audio can be dubbed.
  • The pace of conversation can be manipulated to achieve escalation. Helping to sustain interest to keep viewer motivation.

Production issues:

  • Looking back at the video created. Considered the time frame I think was an excellent job done by the team.
  • Of course there was Drawbacks.. some of the team had not put in their part in and this lead to other people taking over roles and was more complicated and was easier to miss out on aspect of the original role.
  • For example in pre-production stage - the Director was not highly involved with the shoot that the DOP had to take over this role, in turn… it was harder to concentrate and keep in mind all the shots that were necessary to make.
  • The director created a story board but did not make an effort in sharing it with the rest of the team. When editing I was not able to build the shots in order stated in the Story board. Because some shots where missed when editing together. There was not a wide range of shots I could use. The only shots received where shot, reverse-shot of the actors, one in medium and the other in close up.
Things that could be improved.
  • Clean up the Audio, Reduce the audio outside the speech.
  • Replace the noise in the background something more neutral and less high pitched.
  • Slow down the pace of the edited… add more pauses to breath… to add a further tension to the conversation.

There was paper work that could have made for the Production more organised and professional. These are but not limited too:

  • Copy Clearance of any Branding used.
  • Release letter for actors and anyone else.
  • Risk Assessment for Day of filming.
  • Emergency Arrangements
  • Health and Safety Checklist
  • Script Breakdown (that should include blocking actor movements)
  • Budget Breakdown.